by Jill Rumbley Beam

When I retired in 2015, I thought what am I going to do now? I even wrote a parody to the song, I WILL SURVIVE. by Gloria Gaynor.
At first, I was afraid, I was petrified,
Kept thinking what will I do now, since I have retired?
I spent so many nights, thinking did I quit too soon?
Now I worry and this is why this tune!
Now I am sure, there is a place,
Where I can go, with people who enjoy the same space.
I love to volunteer and more, all I need is an open door.
To be involved and feel needed like before!
I am going to go, right down the street,
To some place, where others meet.
Old age, you are the one who tried to hurt me with some pain,
I am not going to crumble; I am too active and too vain!
I have got all my life to live, I have got so much more to give,
I will survive and yes, I have survived!
So, what did I do? I found a volunteer job at the Dallas Summer Musicals, as an ambassador! This was a volunteer job with benefits, getting to see the musicals but there are many volunteer jobs to help you have purpose! The opportunities are endless!
Here is my top ten list who people should volunteer:
#10 It’s good for you! It reduces stress and it makes you healthier. Research has found that volunteers experience measurable health and social benefits. The corporation of national and community service discovered through their research volunteers have lower mortality rates and individuals over sixty-five years of age, it showed lower rates of depression!
#9 It saves resources! You might save someone some money. When you volunteer, you could provide a community service so more money can be spent on improvements of something. We thank you!
#8 You can gain professional experience! This may be the avenue to a new career for you. You can become re-wired!
#7 It brings people together. It unites people with diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal and it builds teamwork.
#6 It promotes personal growth and self-esteem! If you understand community, it can help foster empathy and self-efficacy.
#5 Volunteering strengthens your community! You support families, improve schooling for children and youth, and you help beautify the community through cleanups.
#4 You get to learn a lot! You may have learned about yourself and community.
#3 You get a chance to give back! People like you care about others.
#2 Volunteering encourages a feeling of purpose!
And the #1 reason people volunteer is because volunteers find out they have made a difference.
Muhammad Ali was quoted to have said service to others is the rent you pay for your room on Earth.
Which by the way, I have searched and searched and the word retirement is not in the Bible.
Aristotle was once quoted as having said what is the essence of life? To serve others and do good.
Rosalyn Carter said do what you can to show you care about other people and you will make our world a better place.
Volunteers are actually paid in six figures…S M I L E S! Volunteers may not get paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!
When you volunteer, you are a real-life superman or superwoman in the lives of all the people you might help! You are truly a master or mistress of disguise-an angel on earth!
If life was a twitter page, #kindness, #benevolence, #compassion would be trending just because of you, as a potential volunteer.
Everyone leaves behind footprints in the sands of time but your footprints will be engraved in stone when you volunteer.
Volunteers are caring, loving, thoughtful, and selfless.
And remember, you will not pass this way again!
Through this toilsome world alas,
Once and only once I pass
If a kindness I may show
If a good deed I may do to a suffering man
Let me do it while I can
No delay for it is plain
For I shall never pass this way again!
Here’s to your quest to volunteer!