by Rose-Mary Rumbley

You know you're old when you hear bells ring. No, you're not losing it. It's the ice cream man ringing his bells, and he's not too far away! When you were a kid, you always had a dime in your hand as you anticipated his appearance. He's just a block away! HOORAY! I always craved a strawberry popsicle! Those were great summer days when the most exciting moment came with the jingle of bells!!
I remember one particular day. The ice cream man came early and I missed him! Fortunately, my daddy came home early from work. He said, "Never fear, I am hear!" And like Superman, he almost flew down the street to catch up with the speedy man with the choice treats. As daddy flew by, he heard a statement from the lady next door who always sat on her front porch to observe the actions of those in the neighborhood. She was an "old maid" who had nothing better to do than to view the events that took place on our street. As my father went charging down the street, he heard her say, "Look at that big boy running after the ice cream man!" She uttered this loudly with disgust in her voice. My father got so tickled he almost missed the ice cream man! I caught up with my daddy and walked home holding his hand and, of course, in the other hand was a Popsicle.
The creation of the Popsicle presents an incredible story. The place: A front porch in San Francisco! The time: Winter, 1905. A bunch of kids are playing. They go into the house leaving a full glass of soda sitting on the porch table. For some reason, a string was floating on the soda water. It was a frosty night, so when the kids came out the next morning, the soda water was frozen. One little boy pulled the string, the ice left the glass, and he had a frozen "hunk" hanging on the string. He was delighted, showed it to his father, and it was then he thought, "It should be on a stick!" The father agreed and as soon as possible the father took out a patent for "ice on a stick!"
And, of course--he listed as the inventor--his son! Name--Frank Epperson.
Frank called the frozen treat an Eppsicle and produced it in several different flavors. His children called it a Popsicle.
In 1925, Frank sold the rights of a treat on a stick to the Joe Lowe Company in New York. The makers there thought there should be two sticks, so the one with the Popsicle could share with a friend.
Later, Joe sold the rights to Gold Bond Ice Cream Company of Green Bay, Wisconsin. This company later made Koolaid and Tang.
The story of ice cream goes back to the ancient days of China. The Chinese were enjoying frozen ice many years ago. The ice was packed in a certain way, so that the water and later, fruit juice, would stay frozen.
Ice cream came to our country with George Washington, because it was Martha who first froze cream and served this tasty frozen treat to her dinner guests.
Thomas Jefferson mentions in one of his writings his love for ice cream! But it was America's favorite hostess, Dolley Madison, who thrilled her guests with double portions of the frozen cream!
Can't you just hear James Madison leading the dinner guests in America's favorite cheer! ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM! WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM!